
Hi. I’m so glad you,re here. I’m Christy. My purpose is to be the spark that gives others the confidence to thrive.

So why did I start writing about, coaching for, and speaking on the topic of confidence? I’ve certainly had my own battles with it dealing with perfectionism, fear of failure, concern that I’m not good enough.

But over the course of nearly three decades in the corporate world, I’ve also seen a lot of other women grapple with it preventing them from applying for new jobs or promotions, inhibiting them from voicing their opinions in meetings, or being afraid to bring their full selves to work. And I watched as it had lasting repercussions for many. So, I wanted to share what I had learned, find a way to lift women up, help them see what I saw in them, give them the support and ideas for ways to overcome the tough moments, and inspire them to champion for themselves.

Becoming more confident and using that confidence to bolster professional growth is a journey, with lots of ups and downs. No question that it’s an ongoing challenge and will never be a puzzle that,s just simply “solved” one day. I am a life-long learner and, admittedly, I don’t have all of the answers. Yet I hope you’ll continue to read, discuss, ask, and share thoughts as we forge ahead.

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Fiducia Coaching